Saturday, August 31, 2019

Fixing It or Throwing It Away

There was a King who had a pack of 10 wild dogs. He used them to punish all those who committed blunders. One day one of his ministers made a mistake. The King was furious and passed an order that the minister should be thrown to the dogs. Desperate to save his life, the minister pleaded "I served you faithfully for 10 years and in return this is what you would do to me. Ok, fine, if that's what you want it to be. But for serving you these many years, can i ask you a small favour".

The King said, "Agreed, tell me what do you want". The minister asked - "Just give me 10 more days". The King agreed readily.

The minister then went to the guard who was the caretaker of the wild dogs and pleaded him to allow taking care of the wild dogs for 10 days. Unaware of the King's order, the guard was little surprised though he agreed as it would have reduced his daily work routine.

The minister took care of the wild dogs for the next 10 days with utmost love and care, feeding them, bathing them, cleaning for them and making them feel very comfortable. After 10 days were over, the king ordered the minister to be thrown to the dogs but to his utter amazement, the dogs started licking the feet of the minster !!

Being baffled by this behaviour, the King asked, "What has happened to these dogs ?" The minister replied, "My King, I served the dog for only 10 days, and even in such a short term of service, they didn't forget what I did for them"

This story tells a lot about how should we deal with our relationships. Isn't it a fact that sometimes just because of a mistake, a small or a big one from someone whom we are related to closely, we tend to forget all the numerous times when they had immensely cared for us, shared their love to us, made us feel good, better and best, helped us to be what we can, making us believe in ourselves - all those moments contributing in its own unique way - making us what we are, how we are and where we are, right now !!

A reporter asked an elderly couple, "What is the secret of your happy marriage". They replied, "We were born in a time when if something was broken, we would fix it. Not just throw it away"

That statement pretty much summarises the intent and clearly says a lot about having a long lasting relationship with people, who matter most to us. Let's be mindful about it and not be intimidated by provocative situations, thus gracefully embracing and paving way for those everlasting moments to come in our relationships.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Side stand

There are times when we often found ourselves in a brain fade moment. Basically it's a term to describe a situation where we behave quite silly and often awkwardly. Forgetfulness is one such use case.

One of such instances which perhaps happened in all of our life is when we park our bikes in side stand and forget to place it back to it's original position. When we start the engine and move little further owing to the friction, we realise the matter.

However, the point and act that I want to bring forth here, is about those people who do their best to make the driver aware of the situation. They yell with all possible hints that can be given to the rider within the short timespan of eye contact. It's a simple selfless gesture to ensure that the person knows about the problem and can take necessary steps to ensure a smooth ride.

I have seen so many times this kind of gesture throughout my life and each time it advocates a simple yet timeless trait shared on all occasions - a selfless act for the good and well being of the other, of doing right without any specific reason or expectation.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Common sense is less common

The other day, we had gone to see a movie in the theatre. We were 5 mins late, so lights were off. Our seats were in second last row from top, and that too in the middle.

Have you noticed the feeling that we get while moving towards our seats - we have to maintain a certain balance to either not fall over or trample upon someone's feet. Not to mention, experienced ones are always happy to straighten their legs just in case, their legs would become sitting ducks.
One thing that brought smile to me was a small gesture from a guy. He had put on the mobile torch and directed towards the floor. This made passers by realize the ground ahead with clear understanding of the feet locations. It not only saved his legs, but nearby ones too, and it brought a sense of ease in the stance of marching team.

Quite a simple thing to even notice, but i was really intrigued by the common sense shown. It is said, Common Sense is a flower that doesn't flower in everyone's garden. However, we can always make a sincere attempt to cultivate and grow one.

Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Eat while eating, Sleep while sleeping!!

A short beautiful story about a Master and a Student. The student asked, "How to ingest meditation into our daily life"

He said, "By eating and sleeping, of course"

Perplexed, student asked, "Everyone does that-  whats the difference"

The Master replied, "Ah - when i eat, i eat !! when i sleep, i sleep !!"

Its as simple as that, or rather we can say as complex as that. Being in the moment is what everyone lags nowadays. Imagine playing when we play and laughing when we laugh. A world filled with people who lives and feel every moment, without attributing a right or a wrong to it. 

Sometimes, we carry more than needed - only if we let go, would we become ready to be in the moment.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Crossing Roads In Peace

This is about one of that instance when we know how a small act makes a world of difference to someone else. I am narrating one of my friends habit, which was sweet and worth mentioning.
While driving, whenever he sees someone trying to cross the road, he deliberately slows down and gestures to go ahead. He does it in a controlled manner and his opinion is that if we slow down, behind ones would also, thus giving ample time for passers by to cross the roads. I could clearly view the surprise on people's face, coming to terms on this gesture. Some are taken aback as there was no reason to and they seldom are used to such behavior.

When we see the aged, people waiting with weights on their shoulders and heads, children with parents all waiting for the traffic to be less intensive, and when they pass by, their eyes filled with contentment tells it all.

I just wanted to pen this one, for it may sound and look normal, but the hidden smile on those walking by, could not be ignored. There are so many ways out there to help someone without any reason. Lets choose one sometime, if not often. However trifle it may seem so, it would make us lighter and a better person for that moment. It just makes us human.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Maryada Purushottaman Rama

The other day I was watching a youtube video and the subject of matter striked me, straight.

The conversation was about the life of Lord Rama. It was about his life, which seemed to be a series of problems strewn throughout his lifetime. It was a perspective which was known by me but never thought upon via this angle.

Of course, conversation was not about the problems but on the supreme deity himself. The reason for which we call him Maryada Purush Ram - one who abides and follows righteousness, despite hardships around.

Imagine being outcast because of political gimmicks in his home kingdom, imagine 14 years exile in a forest and for sure it must have been very hard, imagine Ravana creating havoc in his life and the war that followed - and so many  incidents highlighted in Ramayana.

Still this man stood his ground, had the perfect calmness and demeanour, unwavering from the position of right whatever was the situation in front. It's not easy, it's definitely not easy to maintain a composure of a lotus in a pond. The way his mind would have not allowed any weed of wrong, useless and impure thoughts to dwell on.

We often say as he was Lord, he must have had the strength and power to sustain, but was the epic out there only to revere the supremeness or something else ?

Does the scripture we read in schools only about teaching our children as stories or is it something more ? Does it  also tell us to learn, compare, understand and act the way an example was set eons ago by one man, in our own life.Even if we imbibe an iota of what our religious scriptures says via a story, it should do wonders.

The irony is we all know in our mind space about the lessons but using it in our own lives seems a distant cry as it is sometimes seemingly impractical. No one can teach us how for its our own journey. Even to arrive at whether we can or whether we can't is upon us.

Not sure if it helps, when we are in a situation, try to think for a minute how Lord Rama would have acted. Leave aside the God factor and think in terms of a perfect man. What would he do, how would he act, how would he think - then if possible and if we believe, let's act the same.

In this way, if we can find Him inside us more often, I believe he will guide us with the right actions always in divine order.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Knowing the Importance

We know the importance of fan
When it stops revolving
We know the importance of light
When power goes off

We know the importance of sun
When it rains hard
We know the importance of rain
When it is scorchingly hot

We know the importance of birds
When there is eerie silence
We know the importance of trees
When we need a shade

We know the importance of food
When we are hungry
We know the importance of water
When we feel thirsty

We know the importance of money
When we have scarcity
We know the importance of time
When we have none to spend

We know the importance of love
When the heart is united
We know the importance of giving
When the receiver has happy eyes

We know the importance of smile
When we see a newborn
We know the importance of ordinary
When we see the extra behind

If we know the importance
Without knowing the importance
Everything would be One for us
Intrinsic would be the ultimate universe !!

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Don't and Do's

Don't satisfy your ego
Satisfy your soul !!
Don't just earn money
Spend money to grow !!

Don't think too much
Think only what is required !!
Don't wait for being ready
Start doing now !!

Don't make yourself dry
Ensure you are inside moist !!
Don't be for some one else
For you yourself is an original !!

Don't wait for the right time,
For Time is always right !!
Don't just go to a temple,
Feel the temple inside !!

Don't just read a book
Absorb the gist within !!
Don't just watch nature
Learn its language instead !!

Don't just remember moments
Good and bad is for our say !!
Don't search for happiness
Put on the switch inside, if you can !!

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

In and Out

The other day I was visiting a new shopping mall and thought about a simple fact. For any shopping mall, Main gate would be the entry - we come inside the paradise of garments and wanders across floors admiring the beautiful and new fashion apparels. There would be a sense of wonder and excitement on the expectation of something new of less price destined for us.

After the selection and billing, we often search for the exit. And this is the time, when we search for the right way to come out. This is the time when we frantically search for a sign, to guide us in the right direction. Often we end up taking longer to come out, provided the mall has better sign boards, placed at the right places.

If we categorize the in and out saga, isn't it a simile to our daily situations as well. We start (enter) a moment,  live (traverse through)a moment and then come out of the moment. Moments can span from seconds to years.

Situations, as well, has an In and an Out.
And there are sign boards in the form of cue or hunch that tells us the right way to be out. Its about learning how to find them for only a true seeker can find them. Its about how to view them for only inner eyes can see them, only if we allow that freedom to our selves - our inner selves, to guide and lead us.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Looking at Traffic Signals

Traffic snarls are a cup of tea, which no one wants to take. The 3 colours has the means to evoke varied responses from us. How would it look like if we compare them with our lives.

Red signifies to stop. In life, it may mean to stop driving wrong thoughts like fear, worry, anxiety through our minds. It may mean to stop entertaining impure thoughts like jealousy, selfishness. It may mean to not carry useless thoughts like what ifs and procrastination.

Yellow signifies to go slow. In life, it may mean to go slow, at par with our internal rhythm. It may mean to give attention to small things which carry more importance. It may mean to listen to yourself every now and then to look left, right, back and forth, for every matter has some thing to show and teach.

Green represents to proceed, to move on. In life, it may mean to go at our natural speed, keeping body, mind and spiritual gears in control. It may mean to give aid and hold on to right, useful and pure thoughts always, propelling us to reach our dream destination - God Speed !!