Showing posts with label Laughing Stocks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Laughing Stocks. Show all posts

Friday, August 10, 2012

Elegance and Pride In The Middle Of The Road

Ever since I had set my foot into my new bike, I am now more aware of the traffic signals and is more responsive towards the light turning green, yellow and red. Not to mention the mamu's who are always there to make note that everyone is following their rules and sometimes their rules.

Anyways, in all this traffic snarls, I also became conscious of another usual or rather unusual appearance of a gigantic figure : Buffaloes and Goats. Many a times, herd of buffaloes are enough to make our already jammed roads get more entangled. Forget the horns - these super cool herd would be so non-distracted by anything that come-what-may, they move at their own speed and ease.

Sometimes, it would be a feisty sight to look one or two of this gigantic self's sitting in the middle of the roads as if they are diverting the vehicles on board. Of course, they are dangerous for the people who ply on the roads but these guys dont budge a bit, be it a 2 wheeler or 4 wheeler or for that sake any wheelers.

Today morning, I found a goat sitting on the seat of Honda Activa parked beside my vehicle. For a moment I felt as if some one was actually about to drive the vehicle. The slowness and the grace with which she moved down the Activa made me smile and she walked past me as if nothing happened and everything was normal.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Driver And The Priest

We all know what is to be inside an autorickshaw especially when the driver happens to be or thinks himself to be a serious contender of Bernie Ecclestone's wealth churner, the Formula 1. Read on :

Once a priest took an auto to reach his abode. Unfortunately during the traverse, they met with an accident. Both went up but the surprising part was this :

Priest was given second chance to enter heaven and the autodriver was given the first chance. Of course our priest asked to double check the anomaly in arrangement of the who-goes-first. But the result, as documented by the angels with firmness, was the same.

And the reason was quite simple :
Auto driver had made people remember God more intensely than the Priest !!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Sleep Dilemma In Our Worklife

What is the most important phase of human life ? Any guesses. Well, perceptions differing, believe it or not, in one way or the other you have to believe that it is none other than the "Sleeping Phase". Seldom, have I found someone, who if given a chance to sleep would not do so, especially after churning themselves in all the hues and cries of this world. And when you sleep, you are in eternal bliss, completely forgetting what is going around in our solar planet.

There had been instances for me and I am sure, to you too, that we have found ourselves in a tough situation as to whether to stay awake or give in to the modest sleep. Sometimes, we win but most of the times, we lose....It all depends on the environment, frankly speaking. Here's enactment of such dilemma we face in schools, in offices etc...through a video in which the baby prairie dog family member wants to stay awake and fights the dreaded sleep with all his/her(....not sure)might....and the fighting it and feel the intensity of.....SLEEP

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sneezing Baby Panda Scares Her Mom

When your batteries are done and you tend to look for alternatives to rejuvenate yourself, what else could be the best option than to look after for something which would make you laugh to the core and let you fall from the bed/sofa/chair.

From hereon, I would be adding some real natural hilarios videos under the category called "Laughing Stocks".

This is a short instant video wherein a baby panda sneeze scares her mother so much that her body shakes due to the impact. She stops munching the leaves and is awe-stuck for some duration as to whether the sound was from her baby..really. Have a look at it and enjoy :

What I see from this video is that no matter how small you look yourself in the midst of a situation, you always have the ability to surprise even the biggest of the just believe in the power of sneezing out all your inherent hurdles and let others be in awe