Thursday, March 16, 2023

The Matured

When you forego the results of win or loss enter into your mind and heart,

When you see things as is and not by the opinions or biases,

When you don't judge people or situations as you expect them to be,

My friend, you should know that you have become matured !!

When you don't feel bad, when things don't go your way,

When you don't lose self, even if the situation makes you to,

When you keep doing what you should do, without any second thoughts,

My friend, you should know that you have become matured !!

When you make sincere efforts not to surrender to useless pleasures,

When you stay true, even if the popular tells to be false,

When you remember to smile, even if you have don't have any reason to

My friend, you should know that you have become matured !!

Friday, February 24, 2023

Something to say

When you are down in life & things seem hard,

Listen to your body,

Listen to your mind,

Listen to your soul,

They have something to say to help you heal.

When you are up in life & things seem easy,

Listen to your body,

Listen to your mind,

Listen to your soul,

They have something to say to help you stay grounded.

The answers never were far out,

They were always inside your inn,

It just needed a sincere call,

from you to yourself,

For things to become clearer than clear,

Making doubts and fear move farther than rear.

Saturday, January 14, 2023

The Hallmark

To maintain your sanity when the world goes insane,

To maintain your parity when the surround loses theirs,

Its the hallmark of the mature & the wise

To become more of what does matter &

To become less of what doesn't.

To get going when the going gets tough is not a cakewalk,

Life was always meant to be simple but not easy,

Its the hallmark of the mature and the wise

To find the answer inside the question & 

interpret things as is, not as wished to be.

When the eyes feel moist and the heart seems heavy,

When you do the right thing & yet the world terms you crazy,

Its the hallmark of the mature and the wise

To wash their eyes and hold their hearts

Lift themselves & keep learning from life.