Showing posts with label Real Life Rendezvous. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Real Life Rendezvous. Show all posts

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Side stand

There are times when we often found ourselves in a brain fade moment. Basically it's a term to describe a situation where we behave quite silly and often awkwardly. Forgetfulness is one such use case.

One of such instances which perhaps happened in all of our life is when we park our bikes in side stand and forget to place it back to it's original position. When we start the engine and move little further owing to the friction, we realise the matter.

However, the point and act that I want to bring forth here, is about those people who do their best to make the driver aware of the situation. They yell with all possible hints that can be given to the rider within the short timespan of eye contact. It's a simple selfless gesture to ensure that the person knows about the problem and can take necessary steps to ensure a smooth ride.

I have seen so many times this kind of gesture throughout my life and each time it advocates a simple yet timeless trait shared on all occasions - a selfless act for the good and well being of the other, of doing right without any specific reason or expectation.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Common sense is less common

The other day, we had gone to see a movie in the theatre. We were 5 mins late, so lights were off. Our seats were in second last row from top, and that too in the middle.

Have you noticed the feeling that we get while moving towards our seats - we have to maintain a certain balance to either not fall over or trample upon someone's feet. Not to mention, experienced ones are always happy to straighten their legs just in case, their legs would become sitting ducks.
One thing that brought smile to me was a small gesture from a guy. He had put on the mobile torch and directed towards the floor. This made passers by realize the ground ahead with clear understanding of the feet locations. It not only saved his legs, but nearby ones too, and it brought a sense of ease in the stance of marching team.

Quite a simple thing to even notice, but i was really intrigued by the common sense shown. It is said, Common Sense is a flower that doesn't flower in everyone's garden. However, we can always make a sincere attempt to cultivate and grow one.

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Crossing Roads In Peace

This is about one of that instance when we know how a small act makes a world of difference to someone else. I am narrating one of my friends habit, which was sweet and worth mentioning.
While driving, whenever he sees someone trying to cross the road, he deliberately slows down and gestures to go ahead. He does it in a controlled manner and his opinion is that if we slow down, behind ones would also, thus giving ample time for passers by to cross the roads. I could clearly view the surprise on people's face, coming to terms on this gesture. Some are taken aback as there was no reason to and they seldom are used to such behavior.

When we see the aged, people waiting with weights on their shoulders and heads, children with parents all waiting for the traffic to be less intensive, and when they pass by, their eyes filled with contentment tells it all.

I just wanted to pen this one, for it may sound and look normal, but the hidden smile on those walking by, could not be ignored. There are so many ways out there to help someone without any reason. Lets choose one sometime, if not often. However trifle it may seem so, it would make us lighter and a better person for that moment. It just makes us human.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Going An Extra Mile

It was the usual travel to office on Monday morning, walking past the jam packed road, full with four wheelers and two wheelers giving horns to make their way free. As usual, no one paid heed to them, including me, as vehicles in front of us, were also moving at a snail pace.

After going some distance, the road got widened, and we were able to move faster. However, there was a biker behind me who was giving horn every now and then. At first, i thought he wanted a way and i gladly gave as well. But the main surprise for me was to come next .

He went past me but while moving ahead, he signalled his back pack and a thumbs up sign. For a moment, i did not get the thing, but then after a sec, things got clear.

To confirm the same, i parked my bike side and yes, as i had thought, my bag zip was open.

I know, this does not qualify for something which is worth mentioning- but what striked me was the simple gesture and the way it was given to me. For some reason, it brought a sense of serenity and smile inside me - the feeling which we get when someone goes that extra mile to make things right - to us or to anyone else, selflessly.

Monday, October 5, 2015

Ponderings On the Road - Act 1

I was going to office in the morning hours and the Traffic signal became Red, albeit slowly, as always it does whenever it spots me from a distance. Mind you, it does takes its own sweet time to change the colors (Green--> Yellow--> Red) and it all depends on the speed level of my bike. All vehicles stopped at this moment along with their drivers. People start looking around - Cars, Trees, Pollution, Beautiful Face (if any), and when nothing of interest could catch their mind, they start looking themselves in mirror and lastly their own vehicle.

In front of me, an auto rickshaw and a bike were standing side by side. The biker must be having a heavy work schedule, else he would not have pounced on taking a pen and paper out of his pocket, to scribble something. And then, the pen fell to the ground. The biker tried to bend down but could not reach the level of the pen. The auto driver, with a whisker, gets out of his auto, takes the pen and hand it over to the guy. They exchanged a friendly smile and then the signal became green. Vehicles started moving forward and then both the vehicles went in their own directions.

Nothing unusual about it, right. A person handing over a pen to the other when it falls down. Even I think the same. What really made me ponder here was the split second taken by the auto driver to react for the need. It seemed and looked so obvious for him to do what he has to do. If you ask me, it was like getting up in the morning and with our eyes still closed, going to the bathroom. No part of brain is utilized for this requirement.

We all find ourselves in so many such situations but how many of us think clearly and does the best thing we can, at that moment of time. Does it make any difference. Not sure, it sure would make us feel good.

Monday, May 20, 2013

The Sandwitch Makes A Difference

While going to my office there was a traffic signal, wherein all vehicles were waiting for the Green Signal to be up. Everyone was waiting to start the push buttons or the pedal kick (for bikes) and the ignition switch (for 4 wheelers and likewise). Usually it is a 90 minutes halt and riders have plenty of time to relax and ponder on things around.

There was one couple in front of me who were perhaps going to their offices as the lady carried tiffin box on her lap which signified that it was for both of them. Anyways, usually at these times, we see beggars who come and ask for the minutest monetary help that anyone can give.

There were 2 kids this time who were maybe only 4 year olds and they were asking all the vehicle owners for some help. Of course, they have been asked to do so by someone - be it their parents or maybe someone else. Anyways, what was heart touching was that these little kids were more keen on the vehicles parts than their real act.

When they came to the couple in front of me, the lady thought for some time, murmurred something to her husband and opened her tiffin box. She took out a bread sandwitch and hand it over to the kids, a piece each.

I can still remember the bewilderment in the eyes of the kids when they saw the sandwitch. It was clear that this was something to eat but what exactly was it, none of them knew. Before I could see what they would have done next, the signal was green.

The kids promptly gave way to the vehicles and after getting on to the sides, as I could see from my rear view mirrror, they first smelled and quietly started eating the sandwitches.

I am not sure as to what does these kids get after they handover the money to someone. But this generous act could be the best way possible to help these needy people, if at all we want to get rid of our doubts (of whether the money we give would be utilized for them or not).

I guess this is the best way that we can help the needy and we can get the satisfaction that someone had soulful food because of us. And that's how we feel that we made a small difference to someone just for a moment perhaps, but that carries the reverberation that would satisfy yourself from you.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ode To The Lesser Knowns

I was having lunch in my office cafeteria and was viewing the whole cafeteria hall, seeing faces which were familiar and some unknown. Just then I happened to glance upon the far corner of the hall wherein a lady was standing.

Everyone is supposed to give their completed lunch plates to her where she segregates the waste stuffs on one side and the plates. Waste stuff would later be carried in waste bins and disposed while the plates would be driven (via a wheel - carrier) to the washable area.

The lady has been gathering the waste from so many people. I am not sure as to how many people would really think that she has been making her contribution which many of us would not like to do. Of course the lady is getting paid for the job but just for a moment think on the same lines of the people who cleans our sewage when it gets clogged. There are people who takes up jobs of brooming the roads in the early mornings to make sure that we ply on roads with less dust and pebbles on the road.

Think for a moment that we all help each other in one way or the other and in the whole picture of the world, everyone of us are intertwined in howsoever small way it may be. Let us respect the people who have taken up jobs for their livelihood which I guess, if given a chance to change, they would not think otherwise.

A humble ode to every such person who makes a simple yet big difference in the life's of us to make some things around us in a very comfort enhancing manner.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

A Simple Work Ethic

This was an incident told to me by one of my colleague. She happens to be a developer and had narrated an incident which made me take note of one of the aspect of work ethics that we should all ideally follow.

There was some mail chains and discussions going on for the implementation of a goal in the coming release cycle in her project. It so happened that the developer and two of the Production Users happened to be in the same lift while all were going to have lunch.

One of the production user, upon seeing the developer in the lift, started the discussion about the project. The other user, promptly holded  his friends hand and said "Bro, this is not the ideal time to discuss about of our projects. This is the break time. We should ideally talk about these during the working hours." And his friend had no other option than to abide.

This incident looks small and non-significant but what has happened here was a simple work ethics was demonstrated. Sometimes in our IT Industry, being a Quality Analyst or Business Analyst or a Developer, we take tasks as personal even during the non-working hours, which is indeed wrong.

Let us keep aside any differences with our colleagues and be a normal human being outside our workplace. It helps maintain the peace and serenity around and helps looking at things afresh.

Friday, December 14, 2012

My First Experience of Something Unexplainable

Some examples in life does leave an indelible mark etched in our minds that it becomes difficult to make distinction between the real and the imaginary. Some things are never explained or can be explained with minimal evidence in place.
I was in Class X and we had planned a trip to Sabarimala, the abode of Lord Ayyappa. I had heard a lot about the temple since it happens to be one of the most visited pilgrimage center in Kerala. And many of our relatives would go every now and then.
Actually, in order to go to Sabarimala, everyone has to take a vratam of 41 days of piousness and sanctity in out body and mind. We have to take bath twice a day and ensure that we have everything taken afresh. There is a custom of putting a Mala, which when put, we are ought to be called "Swami", which means that we are equal to Lord Ayyappa.
Swamis are supposed to wear black dress and while venturing into Sabarimala, have to keep Erumudeketta (a mixture of coconuts - filled with Ghee and rice) on their heads. Logistics would bring us to the foot of Pamba river, where the devotees have to take bath and then start the 5 km journey uphill to Sabarimala.
The serenity and the naturedness around makes you come out of the hues and cries of the commercial plastic world. We had the glimpse of Lord Ayyappa after a long hiatus of 4 hours in queue.  After resting a while, we were coming down slowly. But just at that time I felt that I am about to miss something.
My mind and my heart was experiencing something that I am coming out of something very divine and complete. I said to myself that if at all I will get a chance in my life, I would definitely come back and visit the place.
Years passed and it was almost 6 years after this silent promise which I made to myself, which was forgotten in the times memory. Once when we were visiting Kerela, my parents went to an astrologer to enquire about their children's future.
After coming home, my mom asked me something which brought goose pimples on me. I was shaken from top to bottom. She asked, "Did you ever promise to yourself that you would go to Sabarimala any time in your life".
I was taken aback. The promise which I had taken to myself was known to the outside world. It seems the astrologer had told that I had done a promise that I would come back to Sabarimala. The promise which I had done came back to me along with the serenity and the feelings which I had longed to be cherished, came back to me.
I humbly said "Yes, you are right Ma" to my mom. That was my first instance of experiencing something which was to be called, a divine explanation of the Supreme. I am not sure whether people would believe me or not. But this was something which I experienced and did not had any logical reason to suffice that there is no God.
Since then, I had visited Sabarimala 3 times and believe in God being omnipresent, the nearest being We, within Us.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Elegance and Pride In The Middle Of The Road

Ever since I had set my foot into my new bike, I am now more aware of the traffic signals and is more responsive towards the light turning green, yellow and red. Not to mention the mamu's who are always there to make note that everyone is following their rules and sometimes their rules.

Anyways, in all this traffic snarls, I also became conscious of another usual or rather unusual appearance of a gigantic figure : Buffaloes and Goats. Many a times, herd of buffaloes are enough to make our already jammed roads get more entangled. Forget the horns - these super cool herd would be so non-distracted by anything that come-what-may, they move at their own speed and ease.

Sometimes, it would be a feisty sight to look one or two of this gigantic self's sitting in the middle of the roads as if they are diverting the vehicles on board. Of course, they are dangerous for the people who ply on the roads but these guys dont budge a bit, be it a 2 wheeler or 4 wheeler or for that sake any wheelers.

Today morning, I found a goat sitting on the seat of Honda Activa parked beside my vehicle. For a moment I felt as if some one was actually about to drive the vehicle. The slowness and the grace with which she moved down the Activa made me smile and she walked past me as if nothing happened and everything was normal.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

An Instant Righteous

When it comes to doing the right thing at the right time for the right purpose to the right extent with the right people, most of us do flounder on expected occasions.

While commuting from my home to my office in the 147 bus, a bike driver fell down on applying sudden brakes for not being able to adjust himself on sudden change in traffic colour lights to Red. He was struggling to get up. Just then an auto driver beside to him got down down from his vehicle, helped the bike rider get up, asked whether he is fine and then came back to his driver seat.

Exactly at that moment, as though God was operating the traffic signals, it turned green. Everyone left the scene and very few would have seen the instant act of nobleness.

Such acts of helping and caring for an unknown person is what makes me think that brotherhood is still there around us which helps us feel good about ourselves being a part of this beautiful world - sometimes it is evident and sometimes it is not.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

An Episode To Remember

When was the last time you had experienced a feeling of content and bliss within yourself. When was the last time you smiled by seeing something so wondrous that you felt, Wow this is something which is a perfect moment to live and see on.

I was going to my office by catching the usual 10H bus. I got the seat after a steady rigmarole of seat-occupying situations. I was gaping through the usual actions / events happening in the main road as the bus drove to my destination.

There was this Madhapur junction before a bus stop. Red traffic lights made all the conveyances stood still. Usually its quite difficult to cross the roads during the peak time i.e. 9 to 11 AM

A father and son (perhaps 5 year old) duo rushed between the rock solid cars/buses and reached the divider. Both ran together hand-in-hand and on reaching the divider, the son was so excited as if he had achieved a great milestone in his life.

The boy looked at his father with a content smile and the father acknowledged him too. Both waited to cross the other side of the road as my bus started off. And the contentment on the faces of the duo brought a ready smile on my face, for no reasons as such but it felt good and perfect to have witnessed the whole episode.

Rather I was feeling bliss and content on my own. Perhaps I have the habit of looking at the simplicity of the events, but it did showed an array of traits like faith, learning and sense of achievement among the real life actors and the audience, one of them being Me

Friday, February 18, 2011

A Simple Guy Named Bryan Adams

I had one of my dreams come true recently when I saw him in the real and true sense. The dream was to see and hear Bryan Adams, whom I adore for his sheer simplicity and down-to-earth persona, live. And he was just fantastic and rocking, as usual. The rock star had come to Hyderabad for an open concert and me and my friends made sure that we do not miss this memorable extravaganza.

The heartening thing about Bryan was that he performed on stage with his electric-guitar and his trademark mouth-organ, with such ease and gaiety that everyone present to witness the demi-god were mesmerised. The environment was electrifying and each one of us were blissfully enjoying the musical aroma created around us. His raspy voice sang more than 20 songs and all-of-them were as afresh as the ones which he recorded on studios.

I could never forget his numbers like Summer Of '69, Here I Am, Clould Number 9, Star...and many more...Another thing which really made my impression about him was that he quit school at the tender age of 15 -- all for the sake of music and used to play in the nightclubs. He had his own stages of hardships in his early career as he had to give demos and be content with small work, whenever he got any. But he finally got the stature, that he truly and fittingly deserved.

This makes me wonder one thing and that is if we work hard and we truly believe and enjoy what we believe in, one day by the God's grace, we would reach the abode for which we all are here to sail for.

Wonderful Evening it was and an unforgettable one...Thanks Bryan for being what you are...God Bless!!!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Exams In Wonderland

My second semester exams was given at a center which was almost 16 kms from the city premises. The mere thought of the hectic journey was enough to make me drool but compared to the exams which I had to give, it was almost negligible. The center was a college named, Thakur Hari Prasad Institute for Mentally Retarded.

Spread with lots of canopy and well-maintained cool ambience, this organisation was established by a social activist, Dr. Thakur Hari Prasad in 1968. And it had won lots of national and international awards too. What was heartening to see were the teachers and volunteers who were present there and taking care of the gifted children. Some of these children were as jovial and lively as anyone else could be. Some were quiet and were enjoying themselves in their own world.

I remember one instance when we were strolling along, one of the little cuties called us from behind saying, "Bhaiya!!!". We turned and saw that she was smiling at us and waving her hand with utmost care and affection. For a moment, honestly, my heart skipped a pound. We waved back at her and made sure that she in-turn received our attention and affection which she truly deserved.

One thing which really made me feel good was that these gifted people were given special treatments and teaching which made them atleast come at par with the rest of the crowd. This is an honest attempt to make them come to their own terms and to make them live the life, which like all of us, truly deserve to live with

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Innocence Personified By A Kid

Place : Mayuri Marg Hanuman Temple, Hyderabad

Day and Time : Saturday, 9:00 AM

Directed By : Has To Be God

Scene : I had gone to nearby temple to pay homage to all Gods and to have one-to-one conversation with them. I had completed the darshana of Hanumanjee and Shiva Bhagwaan. Then we have Navagrahangal where all nine devatas reside. And as is the custom, I had to make 9 rounds of the place. In front of me was a father-son duo. It was hard to contemplate as to who was leading whom but mostly I felt it was the son who leaded the brigade. Now this kid, let me tell you, if my calculation are right, happened to be of 2 feet height and of say, 3 years,I guess. Anywayz, my speed was naturally slowed and I had to continue my steps based on the front duo.

Now, the main climax of the whole scene is yet to come. This small kid, while doing the rounds, was talking to his father and asking some questions in Telugu and his father was promptly answering them. Just then, there was an Arti and sounds of bells from the Hanuman Temple. This kid suddenly took off his father's hands, turned around, closed his eyes and started praying in the direction of Hanumanjee. That came so instantly that even his father took a jiffy of a second to really understand this act of this supposedly-yet-to-mature kid. And I being the spectator from behind saw something which was innocence personified at its best. I had no other choice but to smile and respect this little guy's devotion.

Hence, we say that "Bachhe Bhagwaan Ke Roop Hote Hain" and another example got added to this universal theorem.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Feel-Good Tryst

On Dussehra, I went to my brother's place. It was quite an enjoyful experience. Would like to narrate one small incident which happened in the midst of all the hue and cry. We all went to Ayyappa temple on the occasion of Dussehra to get the much needed and never-ending yearning of blessings.

After paying our homages to the God, we went straight or rather our bikes paved itself to the Idli-Dosa stall nearby. We ordered masala dosas and were engulfed into tasting the yummy-crispy food in our plates. Just then this guy came and ordered for himself the same menu as was ours. Nothing unusual uptil now.

Here comes a lady who was begging for some alms. She went to this guy asking for some favours and without a hesitation guess-what this guy did. He asked her as to whether she wants something to eat. She said she wanted to have some vada-sambar. He promptly gave the order and gave the vada-sambar plate to the lady.

That was quite a different aspect of helping street beggars. In this way, you feel happy and the receiver is also happy. Had it been a child (God forbid) then giving a small chocolate to him/her would be the best thing you would feel about yourself. Its just a way of taking things in a different way. If you really wanna help, give them something to remember or something to may never know it could bring the much needed smile to their lips and the best part -- it would bring smile to your lips....think about it and try it

Sunday, June 28, 2009

A Rendezvous with a noble Auto driver

I have always been mesmerised by a split second (even Ben Johnson would have to admit) taken by some of the auto drivers to charge a fee which makes us feel that we are the descendants of , let us say -- Vijay Mallya. They would be charging an amount which would not have dared to appear even in the deepest of our thoughts-in-pipeline list...still they somehow have this inherent power to persist....

I would like to narrate this incident, wherein I was the audience to appreciate the act. As usual, I was on my way to office and comfortably boarded an auto...somewhere in the middle of our traverse, we saw a young guy asking for a lift from the by-passers...and yes, of course,no one was paying heed to him...his face and body gave enough evidence for us to believe that he was in a hurry and he had to get to some place pretty fast....

My driver slowed his pace and asked him, after confirming me, as to where he had to go and that does he want a lift....he was he was not expecting a loaded auto to be his savior...nevertheless he was very pleased....and readily accepted driver's reception of sharing his seat.

After reaching his destination, which was on my way, he thanked the driverand was about to open his purse.....But the driver said, "I didn't stop for you because I needed more money. I stopped because I felt that you were in a hurry and you should be helped." and then he smiled.The guy smiled back and said thank you. He was still staring in disbelief to the driver.

And I had one more reason to believe that we are not short of people who care for helping even strangers......who dont think twice to help others in distress....and who are the real saviors of our souls

Monday, October 29, 2007

Right is always right

Sometimes we are in a quandary as to what is to be done. And then what we do is what we got to do, knowingly or unknowingly. Anyway, enough of playing with the words.

This was a perfect example of what can happen when you take a small initiative and well, it turns out to be of greater impact to others. During my 6th Semester, I guess (though it doesn't matter over here), I was travelling from my Nagpur (My chacha lives there) to Gondia(where my college happened to be).

The train was "Gitanjali express" scheduled to depart at 6 AM. I went inside the General compartment and was lucky enough to get a seat. There was not much crowd over there though it is not normal not to have a big hue and cry in a general compartment.

Anyway, I got the seat. And was sitting there with my watch radials showing 5:45 AM. Well by the scheduled departure time, I was already thinking of my classes that I had to attend on that day. Every possible seat was occupied below though there was some place above.

Just then an old uncle came. He looked tired and his eyes were very grim. It seemed he was crying for the whole night.(To be frank, its my guess). He asked everyone around our vicinity a seat but none gave. All were adamant to sit below, though there was ample space above.

Well, I felt a little awkward. I dont know but I suddenly got up and asked him to sit in my place.
He asked me not to do so. But I said that I can go up and there I can sit or sleep for hours. And then he agreed. He touched my hair as if I knew everything that must have gone with him.

Anyway, believe me or not after I told him the same the same people who were against giving him the seat were now giving him the seat asking him to come to their place. I thought were they deaf when he asked then for the same. Whatever.....

Sometimes we ought to do what is simple and straight. Though at times it may seem odd but this is the crux of life....So, what I feel you do what you think is right and no matter what, always listen to your heart. It will never let you down.