Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ode To The Lesser Knowns

I was having lunch in my office cafeteria and was viewing the whole cafeteria hall, seeing faces which were familiar and some unknown. Just then I happened to glance upon the far corner of the hall wherein a lady was standing.

Everyone is supposed to give their completed lunch plates to her where she segregates the waste stuffs on one side and the plates. Waste stuff would later be carried in waste bins and disposed while the plates would be driven (via a wheel - carrier) to the washable area.

The lady has been gathering the waste from so many people. I am not sure as to how many people would really think that she has been making her contribution which many of us would not like to do. Of course the lady is getting paid for the job but just for a moment think on the same lines of the people who cleans our sewage when it gets clogged. There are people who takes up jobs of brooming the roads in the early mornings to make sure that we ply on roads with less dust and pebbles on the road.

Think for a moment that we all help each other in one way or the other and in the whole picture of the world, everyone of us are intertwined in howsoever small way it may be. Let us respect the people who have taken up jobs for their livelihood which I guess, if given a chance to change, they would not think otherwise.

A humble ode to every such person who makes a simple yet big difference in the life's of us to make some things around us in a very comfort enhancing manner.

1 comment:

Vidhyashankar K said...

Quite true, a person's true character can be understood by the way he/she treats their subordinates. Once we respect everyone for who they are not what they do, we learn to respect ourselves.