Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Knowing the Importance

We know the importance of fan
When it stops revolving
We know the importance of light
When power goes off

We know the importance of sun
When it rains hard
We know the importance of rain
When it is scorchingly hot

We know the importance of birds
When there is eerie silence
We know the importance of trees
When we need a shade

We know the importance of food
When we are hungry
We know the importance of water
When we feel thirsty

We know the importance of money
When we have scarcity
We know the importance of time
When we have none to spend

We know the importance of love
When the heart is united
We know the importance of giving
When the receiver has happy eyes

We know the importance of smile
When we see a newborn
We know the importance of ordinary
When we see the extra behind

If we know the importance
Without knowing the importance
Everything would be One for us
Intrinsic would be the ultimate universe !!

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