Sometimes, we do take people, things, situations around us for granted and when the time flies past, if we have the level headedness to check back, we begin to realise the importance of them.
When I was loved without my Knowledge,
When I was moved without my Movement,
When I was called without my Calling,
When I was happy without knowing the Reason
Alas, I took things for granted
When I was helped, without the Need,
When I was asked for, just to make me feel good,
When I was hated, To make me feel strong,
when I was sincerely sought after,
Alas, I took things for granted
Now that I learnt, Its easy to misunderstand,
Now that I heard, Its hard to Contemplate,
Now that I felt, The Life's tantalizing Reverie,
I hope I dont miss the Love,
The Honesty, The Modesty, The Faithfulness,
And I could view The Things As It Is
Or view the People As They Are
For Things Should Never Be Taken For Granted,
Trust me, Would give us more than ---- We Wanted !!!