Friday, August 12, 2011

!!! Happy Independence Day !!!

On the occasion of 64th version, here's wishing all my fellow brothers and their sisters a Very Happy Independence Day. Here's an attempt to pen down my thoughts on one of the most important day in the life of all of us, as Citizens of India!!!

When we were school going kids
When we stood in the assembly line,
When the National Anthem was sung,
When we raised our heads and minds,
When we thought about the martyrs,
When we learnt about the abundance,
Plethora of knowledge and divinity inherent

I loved my India

As we grew up,
As we started understanding the world,
As we learnt that We are Citizens,
As we learnt about Democracy,
As we saw the goods and the bads,
As we learnt the mysteriousness,
Wrong and the Righteousness,

I loved my country

Religions aplenty, dogmas a plenty,
Breakthroughs, happenings, bigshots,
Everything which is Dormant and Revealed,
Birthland of Zero and the Infinity,
Makes me wonder the vicinity

And for all that It has given me,
The mere existence of being Me,
In the Geographical demarche
On the Day of its Independence,
One thought in my mind,

I Love You My Country
I Love You My India !!!

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