Saturday, April 3, 2010

Letting Others Decide Our Reactions

I walked with a friend to the news-stand the other night, and he bought a paper, thanking the owner politely. The owner, however, did not even acknowledge it.

"A sullen fellow, isn't he?" I commented as we walked away.

"Oh, he's that way every night," shrugged my friend.

"Then why do you continue being so polite to him?" I asked.

And my friend replied, "Why should I let him determine how I'm going to act?"

Simple, yet meaningful theory...isn't it? It doesn't matter how others behave to you....what matters is how you behave to others and how you react to them...stay on ground when you are up and when you are down.....and dont let others decide as to how you should react to a situation.....

1 comment:

Raj Shekhar Jeeee said...

A very short n nice write-up rajiv..kudos keep it up ...I enjoy your succint style of writing ...