Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Live Life Baby Size !!!

Have you seen seen a small baby smiling to the apex of his/her capacity. How do you feel at that moment. Frankly speaking for me, it would be the moment when I just forget everything and observe the sheer simplicity in the smile. I feel good by myself for having seen this simple gesture from a life form so small.

Why, in fact, just the other day, I was brushing my teeth and opposite to my flat was a scene which was quite hilarious. The terrace of the other building had 4 small kittens who were playing with themselves. All were running after each other, mauling and biting over each other, stopping every now and then, and starting all over again. And in between if they happen to discover some noise or a living form, they would jump at that instance and try to figure out the meaning of it. There was this empty Coca-Cola bottle which moved by itself owing to suddent gish of wind and all our 4 detectives were circling around it to discover what it is.

After seeing them, I was wondering that if we happen to see clearly all around nature, we would have ample proof and solutions to our problems. Everything seems to be saying to us as to what is right and how it all should be, how we should be always active, how we should be just inquisitive about everything, and see the bright side of everything, and the dark sides which will always be there, should be forgotten as fast as possible and learn the lessons that come with them....the thing is we should have our ears and eyes open to engulf the real meaning.

Keep your eyes and ears open for there may be countless such instances for us to make us learn the chapters of life. Happy viewing !!!!

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