In 1924, Hachiko was brought to Tokyo by his owner, Hidesaburo Ueno, a professor at University of Tokyo. During his owner's life, Hachikō saw him off from the front door and greeted him at the end of the day, at the nearby Shibuya Station. Within a short span of time, the owner and his pet had developed quite an amicable bondage.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Hachiko : The World's most loyal dog
In 1924, Hachiko was brought to Tokyo by his owner, Hidesaburo Ueno, a professor at University of Tokyo. During his owner's life, Hachikō saw him off from the front door and greeted him at the end of the day, at the nearby Shibuya Station. Within a short span of time, the owner and his pet had developed quite an amicable bondage.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Life is an echo
Mother, so she is, understood the context and told the boy to go back immediately and yell "I love you". The boy did the same and heard the reply as "I love you".
Now we all know what the context was - of course that was an echo. But if you read it carefully, the source of the echo was nature, which is the other name of Life. The message is crystal clear. If you love life, life would love you back. But the other way round, you dont leave any other choice for life to give you back.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never never be enough;
Give the world the best, you've got anyway.
You see in the final analysis, it is between you and God;
It was never between you and them....anyway
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Arthur Ashe's Why me ?
To this Arthur Ashe replied :
The World over ------------------
5 crore children start playing tennis,
50 lakh learn to play tennis,
5 lakh learn professional tennis,
50000 comes to the circuit,
5000 reach Wimbledon,
4 to semi-final,
2 to the finals.
When I was holding a cup, I never asked GOD, "Why me?".
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Ways of thinking
Rain is the season, mates are toads,
Has to walk, default ‘coz of his mode,
No one else, to help reach his Abode
What is his mindset, let us see,
And compare ourselves to his Thee,
How the two sides of the same coin,
Makes a person, Abide from his toil
If He thinks as per cons,
He will end up with more horns,
Cursing, all the way, to his luck,
Hinders his ever decreasing buck,
Yes, he will exude greed and anger,
Emotions which he, ever linger,
Making the path more difficult as It is,
Taking him farther, than He is.
If He thinks as per prons,
No thing in the world can deter his way,
He don’t curse the stars or luck,
Instead, finds a way in every clutch,
Yes, he exudes cheerful & ‘come what may’
Taking into stride, whatever The say,
He attains the End without any gasps,
Without any reverie, long and big laps
Of the above, which is yours,
‘Prons’ than ‘cons’, would be the lure,
But it is the other way round,
Believe me, most of us are bound,
Bounded by the situations we in,
Bounded by the forces which make us in,
Bounded by physical and geographical demarche,
But not bounded for the efforts we can take,
To have the courage & heart to move on,
And not bounded to lose, when we can win
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Forget To Give Up
People always apply brakes to their vehicles when they should not. Sounds quite strange, isn't it. But it is the most common universal truth which becomes the separating factor of the great and the ordinary.
The great Thomas Alva Edison, the guy who defied all limits of endurance, stands testimony to the persevering factor. This man will engross himself into experiments so much that he used to quit only when he got an amicable solution to the problem When he invented the electric bulb, he said that I have found 10000 ways that won't work. The mere number of the experiments done by him for something, which was quite unknown at that time, was in itself a marvel, to ponder upon.
Not to forget, his other famous quotation, which read "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration". It truly captures the essence of what we should do when things are down---that is to forget Giving Up.
Read these lines, which had always inspired me:
"When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a stone cutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the hundred and first blow, it will split in two and I know it was not that blow that did it - but all that had gone before"
So, let us push our limits and let limits know how much they can and are allowed to go, by pushing themselves.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
A Rendezvous with a noble Auto driver
I have always been mesmerised by a split second (even Ben Johnson would have to admit) taken by some of the auto drivers to charge a fee which makes us feel that we are the descendants of , let us say -- Vijay Mallya. They would be charging an amount which would not have dared to appear even in the deepest of our thoughts-in-pipeline list...still they somehow have this inherent power to persist....
I would like to narrate this incident, wherein I was the audience to appreciate the act. As usual, I was on my way to office and comfortably boarded an auto...somewhere in the middle of our traverse, we saw a young guy asking for a lift from the by-passers...and yes, of course,no one was paying heed to him...his face and body gave enough evidence for us to believe that he was in a hurry and he had to get to some place pretty fast....
My driver slowed his pace and asked him, after confirming me, as to where he had to go and that does he want a lift....he was he was not expecting a loaded auto to be his savior...nevertheless he was very pleased....and readily accepted driver's reception of sharing his seat.
After reaching his destination, which was on my way, he thanked the driverand was about to open his purse.....But the driver said, "I didn't stop for you because I needed more money. I stopped because I felt that you were in a hurry and you should be helped." and then he smiled.The guy smiled back and said thank you. He was still staring in disbelief to the driver.
And I had one more reason to believe that we are not short of people who care for helping even strangers......who dont think twice to help others in distress....and who are the real saviors of our souls
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Winning doesn't matter always
They ran in threes, a boy tripped and fell, did a few somersaults and started crying. The other eight heard him crying. They slowed down and looked behind them. They stopped and came back… All of them…
A girl with Down’s Syndrome sat down next to him, hugged him and asked, “Feeling better now?”Then, all nine walked shoulder to shoulder to the finish line. The whole crowd stood up and applauded. And the applause lasted a very long time….
Feel the innocence of the children…Were they not aware of the rewards each would have got after completing the race…Why did they stopped…. They stopped because the hour needed them to stop. They stopped because they thought it was the right thing to do. They stopped because they wanted to win.
Deep down inside us, we all know that sometimes, the most important thing in life is much more than winning for ourselves. Let us all try to live life to the fullest, and in the right essence....
The Reserve Boy
Here’s a beautiful story about a boy who was always kept in the reserves (during a football match) by his coach. The coach was not able to give him a chance because his team was full of mature and established players. The boy would be disheartened, every time he is denied the opportunity. But he kept his faith and motivational factor, intact.
His motivation was none else than his father, who unfortunately was blind. His father would come every time a match was played, expecting his boy on the field. Then, at last, the opportune moment came. One of the key players in the team was injured and the reserve boy was given the green signal.
What happened in the next 90 minutes was something which not a single soul in the stadium, could have dreamed of. This boy was, literally, taking the breath away from the spectators, needless to say the plight of the opposition team. The score line read: 6 – 1, in favor of our reserve boy’s team. The boy had scored, whooping, 5 goals.
After the match, the coach who was cursing himself for keeping this budding talent in the reserves, asked the boy. “What was that dear? That was the best debut I have seen in my entire coaching life”
The boy lowered his head. He was sobbing. He said, “This was the first match my father saw from above and I had sworn that I would give my best shot”. His father had died the night before. Drops of tears were rolling on the listener’s face….
Monday, April 13, 2009
There are times when we are too good and when we are too bad.....The real sanctity lies in the way we carry ourselves so that, at the sunset, our head should be still on our shoulders(I wish everyone would or atleast will give it a try ).....Just would like to foment it with a short story---
Railway Platform.....Passengers waiting for their trains to chaos and hue, as usual.....Now let me come to our main characters.....
Our lead character, Ramesh happens to reach the station almost 30 mins before the due departure.....And just at that time, as if enactng an act of perfect timing for the phrase ---icing on the cake....the announcement came along that the locomotive is 3 hrs behind time....
Well...there was no other way than to accept his timing....And then he realised that a huge noise was created by some children nearby (as though the calm ambience of the platform was not enough)....He enquired to see the source of the noise...
He was startled to see that there were 4 top vocalists (all below 6 yrs, probably) practicing their latent art of tampering with their vocal chord, as if to see each other's limits....Anywayz what surprised him more was this man who was sitting in between our performers...He was lost in his own world and was quite unknown about the marvellous acts enacted by his little demons('cuz that's what our lead character thought at that time)...
Ramesh was thinking as to how people leave their responsibilities behind and then let the world suffer on their own, as was evident from the scene....But when there was no sign of our little angels(different synonym, 'cuz they actually are) pulling off their show
Ramesh went to the guy, probably the father of the lot, and shouted at the top of his voice..."Hey mann, what do you think you are you feel any responsibility of taking care of your children and teaching them some discipline...." The guy answered in a low voice, "I am extremely sorry....My kids dont know how to express their feelings of losing their mother and neither do I". One day back, the children's mother had died.
Ramesh was in a state of shock...The moment before he was thinking that this man was not worthy of being a human and now he was having sympathy for him, ...There was a sudden change in his paradigm (In IT parlance, its the prototype or image we create) of thinking....
I am narrating this small instance to say that we all face adverse circumstances, every now and then, in our life's but still sometimes some things linger long in our minds, which should not be....Actually, what I mean to say is whenever we are in such a situation with our selves, we should try to change the paradigm of our mind.....Think from the other side of the river...Think about the positives in our life...Think about the good things that happen in our lives (which we, infact, not even notice) And most foremost and easiest being, Think from your heart because if we really will, we will never go wrong in our search for reaching our destined destiny....Though its an overdose, the last and of course, not the least, never judge a person readily...they may not be as good/bad as they seem to be....Have a Happy Adventurous Life