Thursday, November 14, 2019

Think Different

Think Different was an advertising slogan used by Apple Inc. from 1997 to 2002, which was a revolution of a sort at that time. When I heard this again in one of Twitter posts today, I wanted to pen this down. 

The whole thing is quite inspirational and has something that moves or stirs you to an extent. It's about those people who simply followed their heart and went full throttle in their endeavors, thereby making a lasting imprint for generations to come. Keeping aside the right thing or a wrong thing aside, just think from the perspective of thinking differently and just having the courage to go against the herd, with a conviction - that attitude is what we can learn and aim for.

List is endless but few people that I could think of, right now :

Mahatma Gandhi
Albert Einstein 
Mohammad Ali
Alfred Hitchcock
Martin Luther King
Sachin Tendulkar and so on

Now, the excerpt that made headlines :

"Here's to the crazy ones
The misfits, the rebels,
The troublemakers,
The round pegs in the square hole
The ones who see things differently 
They are not fond of rules and they have no respect for the status quo
You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify or vilify them,
But the only thing you can't do
Is ignore them
Because they change things
They push the human race forward
And while some may see them as crazy ones
We see genius
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world
Are the ones who do.
Think different"

Thinking different for the best that we can be, honing and bringing forth our innate powers and abilities, making ourselves feel content and complete, thus making our world and the one around us, better than before.

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