Thursday, January 17, 2019


Is it possible to be in nothingness-a state where you are neither attached not detached to a material or moving thing. It is said that this state makes us think at a higher level of intelligence and consciousness where we transcend beyond right and wrong of a moment.

Living the moment one by one and not even a single thought judging the intricacies of that second makes it almost impossible for us to tread in its true essence. Imagine the state for some time and you will get flooded with flurry of thoughts, which in itself is opposite to what we are talking about.

Perhaps, bliss is subset of Nothingness, where we sometimes fail to describe how our experience was or is. Describing the indescribable cannot be put forth in any form of writing or speech. It just flows through our selves, illuminating each and every body cells etching an unforgettable contentment in memory.

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