Saturday, September 25, 2010

Stay With What You Believe

A Classroom had Aerodynamics as the topic of study. Teacher told the students that each of them have to choose a partner and all individuals have to make a paper plane. The team whose combined individual planes fly the most distance than the other teams, would win the contest.

Tom and Jeff became the partners. Jeff was considered by teachers and the students a low-grader, as his marks were usually poor. But Jeff would always think winning.

All the teams came one by one to present their inheritance of paper airplane skills. Tom and Jeff's were the last team to present their gadgets. Tom had prepared a simple paper plane , with lots of curves but he was not sure that his team could win, as Jeff was still holding a blank sheet of paper.

All the teams fared too good. Each one was surpassing the other in the distance relation. Last team was that of Tom and Jeff. Tom sent his plane off and it travelled a comfortable distance. All eyes were set on Jeff.

Jeff slowly took his masterpiece from behind. It was still in a non-deformed state. He rolled the paper into a ball and threw it into the air, surpassing all the other team records. Everyone, including teachers were dumbstruck

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