Saturday, August 8, 2009

Life is too short to hate anybody....Trust me!!!

We are born humans....we die humans. But during all the phases of our life, most of the times, we tend to be what we are not. We become what we should not. We become what is not right. And then everything just doesn't fit the things.

It is but natural that at the times of adversity, we become arrogant and we drift ourselves from the much that we hurt others who are in contact with us. I would just say one thing : Remember that life is too short for keeping angst or hurting others. It may not be evident at present but when you are old, when you would have grandchildren's and when you look back in your life-canvas, you would see that there could have been instances where we could have made life more colorful, more meaningful, more joyful, and more less-painful for others.

So, during the most extreme times of the life, just keep this in matter how bad the situation may be, there is always room for us to behave in the right sense and the right way. Just ask your heart and stick to its decisions. Things would surely see the light of the day sooner or later, but atleast you could be sure that no-one is hurt during the transition.

If we could practice this throughout our life, we would be making our small yet valuable contribution towards making Life, and indeed it is, a Miracle.


Neeru's Corner said...

Interesting one....but this realization does not come to people so soon...they tend to foget many things and as u said its human behaviour........So, actually nothing can be done!!

AzureLearning said...

It doesn't matter and it should not matter whether other people have the realisation....the only thing we should be concern about is whether we have the realisation of being right all the time...That is the way it should be :-)

Shree said...

I agree...lot of other things to do in life..
gr8 work bro...keep writing