Saturday, May 2, 2020

The Place

At the end of any given day, when our energy levels are the same as that of dawn, it clearly suggests that we have done things in the right manner, although we may have done it unconsciously.

Point is, had we done the same day in and out in a mindful manner, understanding the simple cause and effect parlance, it would be a different renewed us awaiting the next sunrise, every day of our life.

This poem has been written to remind that no matter what the outside factors would be, there is always a place we can go back to - our eternal home.

The place where you belong to & should come back
The place where you feel safe and content anytime
The place where you understand every bit of the structure
The place where you see the real you in mirror

The place where you can only do the righteous
The place where there are no clouds of doubts
The place where paths are clearer than crystals
The place where your physical is distant from The

The place where you are way above reason's reach
The place where dopamine doesn't need an external
The place where the journey takes precedence over the end
The place where we gain nothing, yet feel complete

Every one of us wants to reach this place, unknowingly
Its always with in the reach though, albeit
Just needs a let go of the so called Supreme Us
The Abode will appear closer than ever it was.

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Remembering the Adage

The other day I was watching a Malayalam movie, titled "18am Padi". There was a dialogue in it which did its part of striking the right chords in me to write this poem. This one is to remind us that despite the odds, if we can stay on course, sooner or later things always gets clearer and what we sought out for - is found nearer.

At times,
When Combinations does not permute well,
When our Interpretations goes awry,
When our level of Depths are still left wanted

Remembering the adage always comes handy
Seek (with belief) and you shall find !!

At times,
When the Whole is left at stake for the parts
When the Microcosm comes upfront for the macro version
When the Impossible in us waits to become possible

Remembering the adage always comes handy
Seek (with belief) and you shall find !!

At times,
When the Divine is thought to be in temple core,
When the power of Infinite is hitherto unknown
When the Walls fails to pave the way ahead

Remembering the adage always comes handy
Seek (with belief) and you shall find !!

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Mirage of the Perfect

Everyone of us wants to become the The Perfect, or atleast we do aim to be - albeit consciously or otherwise. However, to reach as near as possible to the exact vantage point, we need to list down the right virtues.

This poem is penned to remind myself few of the principles, which I believe is supposed to be carried, in as many moments as possible for our own versions upgrade from Good -> Better -> Best.

One who can make sandcastles out of thin air
One who can go on, when all there is - is friction
One who can read between the lines or spaces & tread,
One who can smile without a reason like a child

Everyone foresees the mirage of the Perfect but in the end,
One who can will be the one who will &
One who will would be the one who can.

One who can stay afloat despite turbulent storms
One who knows to move in, when all else is moving out
One who can restart, when the process wheel is stuck
One who knows not to cling to a fact, thing or desire

Everyone foresees the mirage of the Perfect but in the end,
One who can will be the one who will &
One who will would be the one who can.

One who knows the crests & troughs being parts and parcel
One who has no walls around mind, body and heart
One who thinks water, mending to fill the gaps at will
One who sees up to soar, when the chips are down

Everyone foresees the mirage of the Perfect but in the end,
One who can will be the one who will &
One who will would be the one who can.

One who can see and bring hope & light out of nowhere
One who can distill the worthy/non worthy with finesse
One who applies "+,-,*,/" to every aspect that comes upfront
One who sees things as they are and not what is wanted to be

Everyone foresees the mirage of the Perfect but in the end,
One who can will be the one who will &
One who will would be the one who can.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Words are powerful

Words are powerful and have a huge impact on the speaker and listener, the way it is comprehended and how they are being told. Even though it does not appear to have a huge effect on the first glance, but if we really deep dive and think, it does !!

This poem is penned to understand not to take words for granted, and to remember that lets be conscious enough to filter the good with non-essential, ensuring the right stuff goes inside us.

It can pierce through hearts
Mend the broken parts.

It can create ripples 
Just stay as mere sum of alphabets

It can sentence us inside our minds
Liberate the highest order in chide

It can make us do things to be forever etched
Make us commit which is hard to erase

It can make our day/s, week/s, year/s count
Drag it as a huge unnecessary mount

When strewn in the right order
It being the catalyst of acting as a fodder
To think and act on the message of convey
The what and why being taken the right way
Helps us to not go astray and make hay.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Using or Being Used....... by Mind

Our minds are one of the most under rated and neglected specific of ours, that we seldom take notice of, and ignore its dimensional effect around us. This poem is to remind us to see the actuals of our mind every time.

When you take things personally,
and could not easily let go,
When it is harder to stay sane,
as everything seems to be out of flow
Remember, there's a difference between
Using the Mind
Being Used by Mind !!

When you are whooshed away by cheer,
Or rather taken aback from jeer,
When you least expect things to turn,
Time & Again finding in the midst of churn
Remember, there's a difference between
Using the Mind
Being Used by Mind !!

When you could not muster courage,
When nothing you do seems to go right,
When things look sort of a mirage,
When reins of veins is not outright
Remember, there's a difference between
Using the Mind
Being Used by Mind !!

Sunday, February 2, 2020

At Least A Moment You Think

Many a times, the opposites makes us realise the essence of the missing. Wrote this, to remember the missing part, when it has not been lost and we still have time to sustain it right.

When you are sick, at least a moment you think
How it was being healthy
When you are alone, at least a moment you think
How it was being with everyone
When you lose direction, at least a moment you think
How it would have been paying heed to advice/cues

What if we think, remember and act the latter first !!

When you are bored, at least a moment you think
How it was being curious
When you are in complex, at least a moment you think
How it was being simple
When you are taken from outside (situations), at least a moment you think
How it was being inside 

What if we think, remember and act the latter first !!

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Plenty of Ways

There are plethora of choices we make daily which decides our future, sometimes knowingly and sometimes unknowingly. Tried to pen this down to remind us to make the right choice and to discover our best self that we can be.

Plenty of ways to leap above the Bar
Plenty of ways to fall or aim below the Bar

Plenty of ways to go through Life
Plenty of ways to grow through Life

Plenty of ways to smile a Moment
Plenty of ways to rue a Moment

Plenty of ways to observe Things
Plenty of ways to ignore Things

Plenty of ways to enhance Self
Plenty of ways to prune Self

Plenty of ways to bring Light
Plenty of ways to stay in Dark

Options had always been there to embrace
Commitment to choose the right is scarce

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Judging Things Quickly

A father and his daughter were playing in the park.

The young daughter spotted an apple vendor. She asked her father to buy her an apple. Father didn't bring much money with him, but it was enough to purchase two apples.

So, he bought two apples and gave his daughter. His daughter held one apple each in her two hands. Then father asked her if she can share one apple with him.

Upon hearing this, his daughter quickly took a bite from one apple. And before her father could speak, she also took a bite from the second apple.

The father was surprised !!

He wondered what mistake he made raising her daughter that she acted in such a greedy way. His mind was lost in thoughts, that perhaps he is just thinking too much - his daughter is too young to understand about sharing and giving.

A smile had disappeared from his face.

And suddenly his daughter with an apple in her one hand said, "Father have this one, this one is much juiciest and sweeter".

Her father was speechless !!

He felt bad about reaching to the judgement so quickly about a small child. But, his smile same back now, knowing why his daughter quickly took a bite from each apple.

Many a times, we judge people or situations way too quickly and it so happens, that later when the clouds of misconceptions are cleared, we see the real motive of an action or a happening, around us.

This is a beautiful story to remind us that let us take time to understand and gauge on the invincible things, and then arrive at a decision, with a better quality of perception.

This will avoid many a frowns and unncessary thoughts, to debar or stop us from being Happy and Present.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Which side of :):

Sometimes we spend too much time to look at the wrong side of a situation, losing focus on the bright side. The below is my attempt to remind ourselves on those times, to have the mindfulness to perceive the paradigm, on making that shift to stay on course.

A Glass is looked Half Empty
Rather, A Glass is looked Half Full !!

A Mistake is a Disaster
Rather, A Mistake teaches a Lesson !!

A Day is considered Half Gone
Rather, Half a Day is still to come !!

A Problem is seen as a Blocker
Rather, A Stepping stone to further !!

A Criticism goes to your heart
Rather, you understand the message !!

A Praise goes to your head
Rather, you stay grounded !!

Choice is with Us !!
The deciding factor of :):

Friday, November 22, 2019

Experiencing the The

When the voice is loud,
Message is lost
When the voice is calm,
Message is heard !!

When the Present is now,
The Past is gone,
Future is yet,
Life is here and with you !!

When there is distance,
Between you and You,
We experience the
The, Inside us !!