Monday, October 22, 2018

Words are powerful and have energy

Words are said to be very powerful. It represents what we think and feel from core. What comes from our mouth and what we in turn hear does in fact makes a huge impact on our subconsciousness.

Imagine a person feeling sick and he chose to speak in negative words while speaking to the outside world. By negative words I mean like I am sick, I have so much work to do, I am always unhealthy, I have so much tension and now I fell sick again.
Feeling sick means our energy balance is disturbed - negative is more than positive. Now on top of it, if we say negative words do you think that our balance will be restored faster or delayed.

Contrary, imagine thinking positive and choosing to speak positive words like I will be healthy soon, let me find out ways to bring back the balance by eating right and thinking right. Say good things to near ones and appreciate their kindness and help for taking care of you. Talk to your family and get advice. Chances are you will hit the equilibrium sooner.

Thinking and speaking positive when negatives are all around us is something which may feel bookish and not worthy to believe for, but if it does have an effect, I think it is worth trying out. Not sure if it is worth believing in but sometimes you tend to feel the righteousness even though there is no logical proof towards it.

Words are always free to use, it's how we chose to use it, which will decide the energy that follows.

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