Saturday, January 9, 2016

Mind - An Enigma !!!

Our Mind is a 4 letter enigma that carries limitless power to guide the very reason of our existence from being meaningful to being unworthy. It has the potential to make a person understand, assess and be the best a situation would ideally demand him to Be.

On the other hand, it has the potential to make a person take a remorseful attitude towards a situation - even though in realty, it never is - and be the worst a situation would ideally never expect him to Be.
A moment, it seems to be in control and the next jiffy, its controlling us. It is kind of a paradox that carries utmost significance in making a great, average or mediocre personality of a being.

It is like a primate, swaying from tree to tree and the owner does not have any say to its movement. However, it is upto the owner to let the ape take the initiative and guide the subject to the Ultimate Path or the Owner takes responsibility to train the being and make the most of this instance of life.

It was never meant to be easy from the start but honestly we all know, if we do our best and train the Mind in such a way that we replace its action by being a Simian to being an Anchor, sooner or later, we should end up farther than we ever thought We would be.

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