Monday, April 23, 2018

Going An Extra Mile

It was the usual travel to office on Monday morning, walking past the jam packed road, full with four wheelers and two wheelers giving horns to make their way free. As usual, no one paid heed to them, including me, as vehicles in front of us, were also moving at a snail pace.

After going some distance, the road got widened, and we were able to move faster. However, there was a biker behind me who was giving horn every now and then. At first, i thought he wanted a way and i gladly gave as well. But the main surprise for me was to come next .

He went past me but while moving ahead, he signalled his back pack and a thumbs up sign. For a moment, i did not get the thing, but then after a sec, things got clear.

To confirm the same, i parked my bike side and yes, as i had thought, my bag zip was open.

I know, this does not qualify for something which is worth mentioning- but what striked me was the simple gesture and the way it was given to me. For some reason, it brought a sense of serenity and smile inside me - the feeling which we get when someone goes that extra mile to make things right - to us or to anyone else, selflessly.

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